About/Music Reviews


"Wipe Your Feet, Leave Your Ego At The Door & Come On In"

Since dinosaurs walked the earth & reel to reel recording was the only way to roll I've been making music in one form or another and made my debut in Cassiobury Park Watford singing originals at the  age of 13, It was such a windy day the guy hosting had to come on and hold the mic from spinning around, so more comedic than rock n roll, but it was a great crowd and a memorable day. I still have that guitar but I can't say my dress sense has improved any. However, I have gained a wealth of experience over the decades & give up my time to support artists and bands, whether it be advice or writing a review. The Music Reviews originally started life at my Column Runnin On Empty at the Watford Observer  newspaper that I wrote for 9yrs, It was a popular global feature so when I left the newspaper I decided to continue with it. 

I only review every now and then because it has to be something mega special that hits the spot  & tickles the  ear drums whatever the genre.  I no longer take submissions, but you will often find me perusing  social media  looking  for that  something special, so feel free to come and say Hi. 

Check out this talented bunch, all with a live link so you can take a look at their reviews, listen to their Music & Show them your support by Following & sharing ........

 kate Dimbleby-Album: SongBirds                                           

Peter Ransome-i Came Back Album

Leech-Underbite Album
Cody James-All Gas No Breaks Ft Mvstermind Single
The Org-Assemble Single