
Showing posts from June, 2017

The Org

As someone who was around at the birth of Rap & Hip-Hop, like a limb I have a deep attachment & affection for it, and while I'm excited to review all genres, Rap & Hip-Hop will always be home..........Cue The Org, Short for  "The Organisation"  & also  "Only Rep God "  aka Shawn "B Down" Chapman  & Clinton "360" Smith.    having been a fan of these guys    for a number of years, I contacted them the other day just by chance to ask if they had anything coming up?  and as if by dream timing it turned out they were releasing their single "Assemble" at the end of this week...did I want to hear it?   And so Christmas dropped early via my inbox with the arrival of an MP3 file .   Produced by  Mark "The 45 King"  James, the same music master behind Eminem "Stan" & Jay z "Hard Knock Life"  I was smiling like a Cheshire cat from the get go, from the beat to the lyrical flow, ...

Toni Sidgwick Lions E.P

On the 10th of June Toni Sidgwick will be releasing  Lions in her home town of  Barnard Castle, Teesdale , County Durham, but have no fear, the sound of roaring is likely to be coming from the crowd at the launch party of her debut E.P. "Lions"  begins with the single "Carry My Heart" which I recently reviewed and is still one of my fave tracks on this 5 Track E.P.   There's no doubting Toni has one of those unique voices, whether it sits in front of a whole kit and caboodle of instruments or at the side of somebody sitting on a desk popping bubble wrap there's going to be no mistaking its her vocal,  a nd a s the twanging guitar intro of second track  "Only One Way" kicks in, it's also evident that it has  producer Lauren Deacon Davis's stamp smacked right the way through the E.P, far from being a bad thing, Lauren's forte is showcasing her clients talent in all its raw, honest and earthy glory without the use of auto-tune...