
Showing posts from September, 2020

Taylor Mayd

" On this day (20th August)  8 years ago, I lost the closest person I had in my life in a tragic accident in Spain. His name was Jake and he was my brother. I wasn't there at the time, but based on what I know from conversations with the people that were there, me and  Oscar Corney Music  (Who was one of his best mates) have written this, from his perspective about that night." I  believe that sometimes' we're led to places and social media pages for a reason, and the reason in this instance was an artist by the name of Taylor Mayd .  Rarely does a song generate such an immediate unexpected reaction in me,  goosebumps, a feeling right in the pit of my stomach, now that's songwriting for ya, I'd stumbled across something very special. The realness and rawness of "Jakeys Song" really struck a chord. Talent doesn't need money, or expensive recording studios, fancy videos or  exotic locations, it can often be found in the simplest of places, like...


It only seems five minutes ago I was reviewing MidLifeMix's debut single  "Liberation" when I received an email to say the E.P MidLifeMix was finished, she's certainly not hanging around and I admire her gusto and drive that's for sure, I also like the six track E.P. For someone that only self taught music production at the start of lockdown she's done a cracking job.  With impressive opening number "Joyride"  it does exactly what it says in the title and takes you on a meandering musical journey, one minute I felt like a kid aboard a rollercoaster, hands up in air, the next, with hands remaining skyward  I was transported to the back of a limousine, head sticking out the sunroof and the wind in my hair  as I enjoyed this fun magical mystery ride. Next up "The Fight"  and you really get a sense of a battle within the music and even at this early doors it's clear the artist has a natural ability for instrumental storytelling, no mean fea...