April Blue
So my inbox pinged the other day, it was Ian Morcher from local Hertfordshire band April Blue just letting me know they were releasing a new single on 31st August. I've followed AB's career after hearing them on a local radio show presented by Nia Visser some years back, but it suddenly dawned on me I'd not given them an Eargasm Feature yet ......Sacre bleu! This needed rectifying. So who are April Blue & what have they been up too? Well they describe themselves as a rock band with an RnB heart, (right) Ozz LP - vocal & guitar , Ian Morcher - Vocals, Bass & MPC, Sarah Payne-Keyboards & Saxaphone & while there's no permanent drummer, it's Casey Cronyn (pictured) & Andy Robinson that are stepping up for the studio and live stuff, although on the new single the drums have been programmed & played on MPC . Then I found out the new release is going to be a cover of Gary Numans Cars.....Oh Oh ? "Cars by Ap...